Historically, small businesses thought about security in terms of physical property. To protect the items inside the store or office, business owners purchased locks, installed alarm systems, and sometimes hired security guards. Today, however, property crimes are continuing their 25-year decline, meaning the chances of a break-in at your business are about half what they were in 1993. Cybercrimes, however, are the new playground for criminals.
Many organizations hear the term “malware” and immediately screech in fear. If you are interested in malware research, as long as you are using safe practices, there is not a lot to be afraid of. For those of you who are interested in malware research and figuring out how and why these pieces of malicious software do what they do, this article might be for you.
When consumer WiFi was first introduced, it was all about keeping our neighbors from stealing our internet connection over our WiFi networks. Now, with the explosion of mobile devices, Internet of Things devices, and other “smart” devices connecting to our home WiFi there is a big chance of intruders being able to steal very sensitive information from us.
The rising instances of ransomware attacks is harrowing to say the least. Attackers seek to achieve quick financial gains through the use of this tactic and to be frank, it is working. This blog provides some solutions to help you avoid becoming the next ransomware victim.
CIS control 2 speaks to basic cybersecurity hygiene, only it is software and applications specific. Often, attackers will look for unpatched or unsupported software to target, regardless of the system it is running on, or the type of business using it.
If you work in the field of Information Technology, you have probably heard of Vulnerability Assessment (VA). VA is a process of identifying security vulnerabilities in a system. It is recommended that you conduct a VA against your organization’s network every quarter, and if your organization follows certain policy and standards, such as PCI DSS, VA is a requirement. However, organizations should not be the only ones conducting VAs against their network; average home users should also conduct vulnerability assessment against their network. In this blog, I will guide you through the process of performing a VA against your network using Nessus Home.
It’s no question that in cybersecurity, defense is the best defense. In the constantly changing threat landscape, the tie often goes to the attacker, and businesses are forced to act like turtles putting up shells of security to ward off threats.
Today we all communicate constantly over the internet. Some people say we spend too much time on our mobile devices and we do not interact enough with the world and with the people around us. However, that is a discussion for another time. In this blog post we want to discuss how we keep our internet communications secure from eavesdropping.
The CIS Critical Controls were developed as a framework to not only ensure the successful realization of basic cybersecurity hygiene, but to lead to the planning and implementation of a robust security protocol. To build any cybersecurity protection schemata, it is necessary to know the extent of what it is you are protecting.
At the small to midsize business level, cyberattacks aren’t merely annoying — they can spell certain doom for those already struggling to get by. Hence the need for robust security protocol. That’s exactly what the Center for Internet Security provides with its Top 20 list of Critical Security Controls. While these controls have been in the making for well over a decade, they’ve recently gained greater prominence at the federal and state level — and among private entities. In this blog we offer an in-depth overview of this critical security tool, as well as suggestions for implementation.
A cyber threat map, also known as a cyber attack map, is a real-time map of the computer security attacks that are going on at any given time. One of the most famous was released by the company Norse and went so viral, even among non-hackers, that it got its own story in Newsweek in 2015.
Organizational leaders must understand that comprehensive, risk-based decisions are vital to balancing the force multiplying effects of information systems with the risk of those systems being inherently vulnerable to exploitation. If you want to prevent or reduce the likelihood of an attack, you have to risk management strategy: how your organization will frame, assess, respond to and monitor risk over time.
If you run a business that manages sensitive data, you’ve got to be concerned with your cybersecurity. In this article, we’ll break down the 8 most common types of cyber attacks and how to stop them.
Protecting your agency or company from cyber crime is critical to keeping your business running smoothly and profitably in the digital age.
What are two of the most likely areas of vulnerability in your cyber defense strategy
Everyone knows that they need to improve the current state of their cybersecurity measures, but to many people this task is a daunting one. “Where do I start? What should I focus on first? What security measures will have the greatest impact on the security of my computer systems and network?” Don’t worry, the Center for Internet Security can answer all these questions, and help guide you to a more secure infrastructure.