More than 65 percent of senior decision-makers at small businesses still believe that they’re unlikely to be targeted by cybercriminals. About 60 percent of those businesses have no defense plan in place and an estimated 14 percent are insufficiently prepared to respond if an attack does occur.
Common sense is not always common practice, especially with cybersecurity. Most of the breaches we see today are not because some super cool artificial intelligence firewall failed.
The number of healthcare cybersecurity breaches is on the rise with tens of millions affected in larger breaches, but hackers may target even regional insurers, smaller healthcare facilities, pharmacies, and individual physician’s offices. These breaches put medical facilities, insurers, and practitioners in the hot seat because they are liable for the security of the information they gather.
We look at five of the worst cybersecurity breaches of all time. There are many ways to rank the largest cybersecurity breaches. We chose to highlight those that affected the most records, triggered the highest dollar impact, was repeated, was an inside job, and the most egregious.