Let’s cut to the chase:
There is no way to guarantee you will pass the CISSP Certification Exam!
That’s the bottom-line.
I know, what a bummer, right? You may actually have to do some work yourself, learn something new, prepare, maybe even fail, get back up again, etc.
Sure, a lot of CISSP training organizations talk about Exam Pass Guarantees, but what does this really mean? It’s not like the training organization can go take the CISSP exam for you – that would be unethical. It is ultimately up to you to prepare for and pass the exam. A CISSP training provider can help you prepare, but there’s no real way to guarantee you will ever pass the CISSP Exam.
“Exam Pass Guarantees” are a common guarantee offered by CISSP training providers. Most training providers use the term “Exam Pass Guarantee” to describe their CISSP program designed to increase the probability of you passing the CISSP exam. An Exam Pass Guarantee may mean any of the following:
- Free retakes of CISSP training, before or after you take the CISSP exam
- Discounted or Free (Included) CISSP retake vouchers
- One-on-one training sessions
Do some CISSP training providers offer an “under the table” CISSP Certification Exam Pass Guarantee?
At Alpine Security we occasionally receive inquiries from prospective CISSP students, inquiring about our Exam Pass Guarantee program. Some students mention to us that other CISSP training providers state they 100% guarantee a passing score on the CISSP exam. Often the inquiries are in such a manner where we wonder if there’s an “off the record” service offered by other CISSP training providers. We don’t have proof of this – of a CISSP training provider’s staff member taking a CISSP exam on behalf of a student to guarantee a pass, but it seems feasible this type of “service” may be occurring, especially given the number of inquiries we get inquiries about this sort of thing.
Alpine Security has an “Exam Pass Guarantee”, where we work with you to help you pass the exam as much as we can, for as long as we can. We do this by allowing you to retake our CISSP Boot Camp as many times as you want before or after you take the CISSP exam. We will also work with you one-on-one to maximize the probability of you passing the CISSP exam. We cannot take the exam for you though.
In short, passing the CISSP Certification exam lay solely on you. CISSP training provider’s can certainly help you pass the exam and guarantee their programs with numerous offers, but you still must take the exam. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to pass the CISSP exam. Attempting to cheat the system may benefit you short-term, but you will pay for it long-term.
Author Bio
Christian Espinosa is Alpine Security’s CEO/Founder and a Cybersecurity Professor at Maryville University. He holds over 25 certifications, including the CISSP, CCISO, and PMP. Christian is a US Air Force veteran with a BS in Engineering from the US Air Force Academy and MBA from Webster University. Christian holds multiple patents on cybersecurity attack and defense. Major recent projects include penetration testing and assessments of commercial aircraft, medical device penetration testing, and numerous incident response projects. When Christian isn’t protecting us from cybercriminals, he climbs mountains, travels the world, teaches outdoor wilderness survival, and competes in Ironman triathlons.